New Seasonal Fruits!

July 5, 2024

Good morning, St. Isidore Market Family!

I hope you all enjoyed your Independence Day celebrations. We have so much to be grateful for in our country and West Virginian communities!

Certainly our local farmers and the healthy & delicious food they produce is a BIG thing to not take for granted! Speaking of which: there’s some new seasonal fruit and freeze dried varieties available as well from our West Virginian producers! 

Continue reading to learn what’s new and then Start Your Order

Thank You for supporting our farmers and needy families by shopping at the St. Isidore Market!

Shop Twin Ridge Orchard.

Shop Harvest Trails Co.

  • Country Creamery Returns! After a successful week of renovations on the farm, Country Creamery is back! Enjoy your favorite flavors of Ice Cream, drinkable yogurt, creamline milk, and more!

Shop Country Creamery.

Shop Noll House Cookies.

Be sure to Place Your Pre Order before noon on Tuesday this week! Don’t wait! Our Market is brimming with over 250 farm fresh foods and artisan products!

Thank you for your support of our Market! Contact me if you need assistance with anything.

Our Market Team looks forward to seeing you all at our next Market at St. James this Thursday, July 11th, from 5:00-6:30 pm!

Get Involved!

Help the St. Isidore Market grow by:

1) Forwarding this email to a friend.

2) Liking and sharing St. Isidore Market on Facebook.

3) Making a Donation to Community Markets Inc. so we can increase access to healthy food in our community.

4) Sharing our Facebook posts and promotional flyers with others.

5) Volunteering at the Market. An extra set of hands always helps things run more smoothly! Contact me for more details.