Got (Affordable) Eggs? 

March 7, 2025

Happy Friday, St. Isidore Market Family!

It is officially Lent!

Still detoxing from sugar? At the St. Isidore Market, we’ve got plenty of Lent-friendly foods and non-meat protein options. Place Your Pre Order and be sustained with wholesome food from our local farmers to get you through to Easter.

  • **NEW ** MARCH BREAD!!

    Bolivar Bread Bakery is breaking out its special Pesto Sourdough for perhaps only this week for the month! Be one of the few to get your hands on this Jefferson County exclusive before the time runs out! It also compliments Katie’s other March special Irish Soda Bread which pleasing to the blessed taste buds of St. Patrick & St. Brigid!
Pesto Sourdough
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  • National Potato Chip Day!

    Next Friday is National Potato Chip Day! Join the celebration by checking out J&M Homemade Snack’s 11 flavors of locally made potato chips in three convenient sizes! The most popular flavors are Old Bay for Marylanders and Marylanders at heart, the zesty Honey Mustard, and the brightly sweet Dill.
Potato Chips
  • Best Egg Prices Around!!

The St. Isidore Market is the best place to get Farm Eggs from Cedar Ridge Hydroponics at the lowest price around! We do have a limited supply, to be sure to pre order this weekend before they run out and also save a little bit per dozen when you pre order.

NOTE: Due to the egg shortage, please limit yourself to up to two dozen this week.


Community Markets is in our second week of the Unity Campaign!

A big thanks to everyone who has already donated!

Remember that from now until the 15th, United Way will partially match each donation.

100% of each donation will go to Community Market which will enable us to begin our SNAP Stretch Fund while maintaining our mission to serve the community by feeding the underserved and supporting local farmers.

Unity Campaign Banner

How do I Donate?

– Donate Online HERE. Your full donation will make it to CMI. United Way handles any processing fees!

– Text UNITY2094 to 71777. Again, your full donation will make it to CMI. United Way handles any processing fees!

– Drop off cash/check to the CMI office or at an upcoming Market. The CMI office is located at 203 S. George St. Charles Town.

Please note: Checks to CMI through the Unity Campaign should be made out to United Way of the Eastern Panhandle with “Unity Campaign: Community Markets Inc.” in the memo.

Donate to CMI Now and Make Your Donation Go Further!

Happy Pre Ordering!  Be sure to order now before noon on Tuesday!

THANK YOU for your support of our Market and farmers!

We are looking forward to seeing you for our first Market in Lent on March 13th from 5:00 pm-6:30 pm at St. James in the St. Michael’s Building, 55 Crosswinds Dr. Charles Town!

Get Involved!

Help the St. Isidore Market grow by:

1) Forwarding this email to a friend.

2) Liking and sharing St. Isidore Market on Facebook.

3) Making a Donation to Community Markets Inc. so we can increase access to healthy food in our community.

4) Sharing our Facebook posts and promotional flyers with others.

5) Volunteering at the Market. An extra set of hands always helps things run more smoothly! Contact me for more details. 

Order Now

Chris Hozdic, AmeriCorps VISTA Member
Mobile Markets Coordinator
St. Isidore Farmers Market
Managed by Community Markets Inc.
49 Crosswinds Dr.
Charles Town, WV 25414
Mobile: 703-789-1879