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Recent News

New Seasonal Fruits!

I hope you all enjoyed your Independence Day celebrations. We have so much to be grateful for in our country and West Virginian communities! Read More

NO Market This Week (But You Can Still Order!)

Since the 4th of July is this coming Thursday, there will NOT be a St. Isidore Market this week! However, you can still order! How? Read More

Peaches! Veggies! New Vendors! (Oh My!!)

Big News!  Peaches are in! I can’t believe it’s time already, but Twin Ridge Orchard has fresh and juicy Sentry Yellow Peaches this week.  Read More

WV Day Sale!

Our beloved Mountain State of West Virginia celebrates its birthday this Thursday, June 20, which is also the day of our next Market, so let’s celebrate!  Read More

Local Food Father’s Day!

For most of us, we’re blessed to have a special father, grandfather, and/or father figure in our life.  Read More

Introducing Eversweet Apiaries!

What beautiful weather we’ve been having! It made for a very nice Market yesterday.  Read More


A New Market & Market Week!

For those of you waiting with baited breath for when the Friday St. Isidore Market email will be published, here it is! Read More

NEW VENDOR! Freeze Dried Fruit!

Why the excitement? Because our Market is introducing a new vendor today: Harvest Trails Co. Read More

NEW Breads, Book, & Bumbleberry!

One of the many things I love about the St. Isidore Market is the variety of foods and how many different kinds of products we regularly carry, some of which are non-edible products! Read More

Turkey for Dinner!

The weather certainly has been a bit erratic – cooler nights when you turn the heat on and sunny days with summer heat – and it’s springtime! Read More

Cool Off w/ Ice Cream! (Order Now!)

It’s that time of week when it’s Time to Order from the St. Isidore Market for Thursday pick up! Get your baked sweet treats and fresh bread from our NEW vendor, Whimsical Meadows Farm! Read more from Friday’s Update Email. Read More

NEW Cakes & Breads!

So… where did April go? It will be May by the time our next Market rolls around! Time only passes more quickly as you get older I am told. Read More

Pot Roast for Rainy Days

Spring brings with it those cool & rainy days when slow-cooked comfort food is simply an order. That’s why this week at the St. Isidore Market we’re featuring Chuck Roast from Crestview for an easy and filling pot roast dinner for the whole family! Read More

Lamb Chops & Prime Rib!

Begin your weekend with an order from the St. Isidore Market for pickup this coming Thursday! While it isn’t a major holiday, we think this week’s featured Crestview meats are just perfect for your dinner table anytime! Read More

Eclipsed by Local Food (Order Now!)

Don’t let the movement of the heavenly bodies eclipse your commitment to healthy & affordable groceries sourced from local farms found easily at our weekly Market! Read More

West Virginian Sourdough!

April means longer days and seasonal produce will begin coming in shortly! Speaking of seasonal produce, let’s talk about ramps. Ramps taste like a cross between a leek and garlic and are an edible vegetable native to West Virginia. Read More

No April Fools – Local & Affordable Staple Groceries!

As we celebrate the joy of Christ’s Resurrection and polish off the last of the lamb and those delicious chocolate bunnies, remember to order your staple grocery items from the St. Isidore Market this week which are both locally sourced and affordably priced! Read More