February 16th, 2024
A happy and blessed Lent to you, St. Isidore Market Family!
As someone who increases access to locally sourced food, not all of which exactly keeps with the Lenten spirit, it’s comforting to me to remember that people still need to eat over the next 40 days, even though it tends to be less, and that Easter will soon be here with all the feasting and decadent food that is appropriate to that most holy season! So put aside the bread and water (at least for Sundays), and enjoy the over 200 farm-fresh foods and local products our little Market has to offer you!
- Clevelando’s is Back! It’s a happy thing to announce for sure! We all love Clevelando’s quality, homemade, and authenticly Italian Foods, Dry Goods, and Baked Treats! Haven’t tried Clevelando’s yet? This is your week! You won’t be disappointed! Not every product is available this week due to limited capacity – you’ll just need to order some products another week like their heat and serve Italian entrées! Shop Clevelando’s.
- More Jam! Enjoy the latest flavor of small-batch Jam from Farmhouse Kitchen: Boysenberry! This blackberry-looking fruit is a cross between the European raspberry, European blackberry, American dewberry, and loganberry. I didn’t know that off the top of my head, so don’t be impressed! The point is: it’s a unique flavor that you ought to try! Shop Farmhouse Kitchen.
- Low Potato Prices Permanent! That’s right, get Kennebec Potatoes from Cedar Ridge Hydroponics at all-new low prices! Get 5 lbs. bags for only $4.99 and 10 lbs. bags for only $7.49! The larger the bag you buy, the more you save! Shop Cedar Ridge Hydroponics.
Please remember Community Markets Inc. in your Lenten alms. Our small nonprofit has fed nearly 6,000 people in under 18 months and has two upcoming Food Box Giveaways within the next five weeks that will feed hundreds of hungry people in our community. Serving low-income families, children, the elderly, and underserved people is what we do at CMI, so please join us in addressing hunger, food insecurity, and access to healthy food grown by local farmers! Thank you for your generosity! Feed the Hungry with CMI.
Please reach out if you need any help ordering, have a special order, or for any other reason! Happy shopping and we will see you this Thursday, February 22, from 5-6:30 pm at St. James!
Get Involved! Help the St. Isidore Market grow by: 1) Paying in cash or check if possible. It means more money stays locally and reaches our farmers, not credit card companies. 2) Forwarding this email to a friend. 3) Liking and sharing St. Isidore Market on Facebook. 4) Making a Donation to Community Markets Inc. so we can increase access to healthy food in our community. 5) Sharing our promotional flyers with others. 6) Volunteering at the Market. An extra set of hands always helps things run more smoothly! Contact me for more details.

Make dinner easy with Mamma’s Marinara from Clevelando’s only at the St. Isidore Market!