Dear St. Isidore Market Family,
There’s no easier place to find affordable groceries in our community than at the St. Isidore Market! We’ve got your staple foods at prices better or lower than the grocery stores AND it’s much higher quality, cleaner, and more nutritious! I haven’t even mentioned that by shopping at our Market you’re helping feed hungry families in our community, supporting farming families and WV small business owners, and fostering greater local health and wellness in West Virginia – but that’s for another email!
Please place your online order by noon Tuesday (TOMORROW!) for Thursday pick up.
To see this week’s new and featured local foods, updates, and potentially embarrassing dad jokes, read Friday’s Email HERE. Did you know that we have a just-released NEWS Section of the Market website which has an archive of previous Market emails? Binge Read Market Update Emails (if you have time).
AmeriCorps VISTA Members are great to have serving WV through Community Markets Inc.! Check out Ellie’s updated product photos of Walnut Hill Farm Milk! Be on the lookout for more streamlined and clean product photos in the weeks and months to come!
Speaking of Community Markets Inc.: Take a moment to review Today’s Press Release: Community Markets Inc. Partners with Bushel & Peck to Feed Hungry Families.
Happy shopping and see you all on Thursday from 5-6:30 pm at St. James Catholic Church in Charles Town!
Remember the poor in your Lenten alms.
Get Involved! Help the St. Isidore Market grow by: 1) Forwarding this email to a friend. 2) Liking and sharing St. Isidore Market on Facebook. 3) Making a Donation to Community Markets Inc. so we can increase access to healthy food in our community. 4) Sharing our promotional flyers with others. 5) Volunteering at the Market. An extra set of hands always helps things run more smoothly! Contact me for more details.

Enjoy Walnut Hill Farm Creamline Milk at the St. Isidore Market!