Wings, Chips, and Pasta!

January 26th, 2024

Happy Friday, St. Isidore Market Family!

I’m excited every Friday morning when the next week of online ordering opens, but I am particularly excited this week because: 1) Clevelando’s is back! 2) We’re rolling out a new line of local food: Homemade Potato Chips! 3) New this week: Chicken Wings! 4) We have a little meat sale for you! 5) So many of you braved the rain and came out to see us at our indoor winter Market last evening – THANK YOU!

So, Grab Your Virtual Cart, stroll down the “aisles” of the Market website, and select from nearly 210 farm fresh foods and local products! Here’s to another fabulous Market week!

Potato Chips

16 oz., 8 oz., and 2 oz. bags of J&M Homemade Snacks Potato Chips

  • Need an easy finger food for a quick dinner, weekend gathering, or the big game? New from CrestviewChicken Wings! These party wings have no antibiotics, hormones, or other junk added to them like the major brands, come in 1.5 lbs. and 5 lbs. packages, and are ready to be seasoned and baked! Enjoy a lower cost when you buy in bulk. See the Product Page for full details. Do a test run this week so you’re at the top of your wings game for the Super Bowl in two weekends!
  • We’ve brought back some favorites from Crestview that we haven’t carried in a while: Sweet Italian Rope SausageChorizo Rope Sausage, and Cheese Franks. We’re celebrating the return of the prodigal meats with a modest Meat Sale! Enjoy lower prices on the meats listed above as well as Bratwurst. Frankly, we’ve missed them!

I have heard from some of you that navigating the website is difficult. Firstly, I am sorry for this! I would like to see an overhaul of our current eCommerce website but we need to fundraise the money first to cover the costs. You’re welcome to Help With That if you’d like. My team and I are working on this! In the meantime let me suggest something that may improve your online shopping experience: Instead of going page by page, A to Z through the product list found on the home page, shop by category and vendor using the list on the left sidebar of the home page. Start with Bolivar Bread, go to their Vendor Page, shop their products, return to the home page, open the next vendor’s page, Cedar Ridge Hydroponics, and repeat until you’ve worked your way down to the final vendor listed, Timberlake’s Special Sauce. This is how I navigate the current website for a better user experience. I never click through all products from A to Z! No wonder some of you are frustrated! How do you shop our website? Please share your feedback with me on your online shopping experiences, both positive and negative! We want your user experience to be easy and intuitive. Help us improve by offering your feedback!

Thank you, each of you, for your continued support! Making affordable groceries sourced from local farms more accessible in Jefferson County wouldn’t be possible without you! As always: happy shopping and we look forward to welcoming February with you at our next indoor winter Market on Thursday, February 1st from 5-6:30 pm!

Get Involved! Help the St. Isidore Market grow by: 1) Paying in cash or check if possible. It means more money stays locally and reaches our farmers, not credit card companies. 2) forwarding this email to a friend. 3) Liking and sharing St. Isidore Market on Facebook. 4) Making a Donation so Community Markets Inc. can increase access to healthy food in our community. 5) Sharing our promotional flyers with others. 6) Volunteering at the Market. An extra set of hands always helps things run more smoothly! Contact me for more details.

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Enjoy homemade Fettucine from Clevelando’s only from the St. Isidore Market.